Save the Earth League

ALL Fantasy Cricket Fans Are Invited to Play 
►♦◄◄Save the Earth ►►♦◄
◄◄League Code 1552►►

Save the Earth is our league for fantasy cricket. I started to  play fantasy league from last year Champion League. I happy my performance that year. I play this year Champion League. I play 2015 Cricket World Cup Fantasy  League. First time I started to play public league in this World Cup. This time my League rank among top 30 in CWC 2015 fantasy league. I'm very happy my performance in Cricket World Cup 2015. Thanks for who joined with us for play  L.S.P League. Congratulation for all winner of cricket world cup 2015  fantasy league.

I'm looking forward to play IPL 2015 fantasy cricket. Now Indian Cricket Festival stared with Fantasy League. I create a public fantasy league as a Save the Earth. I invite to join who like to play IPL fantasy league. You can join with Save the Earth enter the League code 1552 and 1542. 

 Also this join this league Sanga and Mahela Fans - 8888

Chairperson of Save the Earth fantasy cricket League

1 comment:

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